To begin processing  insert a name into your Compubot.
Using the newest technology of today, we are using coal power to insure a cleaner air quality.
Please remember, only you can burn coal.

'; echo '
'; } function step2($filename, $post) { //Format Info $find = '/username/'; $file = "./quotes.txt"; $quotes = file($file); //Safty $search = array ("']*?>.*?'si", // Strip out javascript "'<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>'si", // Strip out HTML tags "'([\r\n])[\s]+'", // Strip out white space "'&(quot|#34);'i", // Replace HTML entities "'&(amp|#38);'i", "'&(lt|#60);'i", "'&(gt|#62);'i", "'&(nbsp|#160);'i", "'&(iexcl|#161);'i", "'&(cent|#162);'i", "'&(pound|#163);'i", "'&(copy|#169);'i", "'&#(\d+);'e"); // evaluate as php $text_replace = array ("", "", "\\1", "\"", "&", "<", ">", " ", chr(161), chr(162), chr(163), chr(169), "chr(\\1)"); $name = preg_replace($search, $text_replace, $post); //make slogan $string = $quotes[rand(0, sizeof($quotes)-1)]; $patterns[1] = $find; $replacements[1] = $name; $results = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $string); $link = mysql_pconnect("", "funstuff", "ineedfunstuffbaby"); if (!$link) { die(''); } mysql_select_db("funstuff", $link); $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `slogan_en_log` (`id` , `timestamp` , `ip` , `slogan`) VALUES ('', NOW( ) , '%s', '%s')", mysql_real_escape_string(long2ip(ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))), mysql_real_escape_string($results)); $sql2 = "UPDATE slogan_en_counter SET count=(count + 1) WHERE id=1"; mysql_query($sql, $link); mysql_query($sql2, $link); echo '

' . $results . '

'; } ?> Slogan Creator

The Slogan Creator 2.1.1 Home Edition

Image of Compubot